Top 5 Tips For Surviving The Holidays

As widows, we sometimes can’t imagine how we’ll make it through the holiday season. We sometimes wish we could just avoid all of it and disappear until January!  However, by preparing ahead of time, there are a few things we can do alleviate the overwhelm of the season.  Here are some top tips on how to make it through!


  1. Expect a multitude of feelings to show up!

Grief is tricky when it comes to emotions. We’re happy then sad then angry then scared then lonely, sometimes within minutes of each other! Sometimes at the same time!  The key is to allow yourself to feel all of it. Don’t push it away or hide it. If you’re at a party and a song comes on and triggers a wave of sadness, cry. Others will understand. On the other hand, if you’re feeling joyful and merry and you find yourself smiling, LET YOURSELF be in the happiness. You may then find yourself feeling guilty. It’s not uncommon to feel like your happiness is a betrayal to your spouse. But experiencing joy does not mean you don’t love the person who died.


2. Keep what matters

You may find yourself wanting to avoid everyone and everything this year. You may want to consider simplifying your holiday traditions. Do what you are able to do and eliminate the pressure of what you used to do together. Keep what traditions you can and what you want to do. Make it easy on yourself. Maybe still have everyone over for dinner, but use paper plates instead of the fine china.


3. Start a new tradition

You can expect the holidays to be different without your loved one present. Be willing to start some new traditions and make some changes that reflect your life now. Maybe brainstorm some ideas with friends and family to find ways to honor your loved one. Did your husband like to hike? Maybe take the whole family for a hike in his honor.


4. Go shopping (or don’t!)

If the idea of a long shopping list overwhelms you, forget about it and buy everyone gift cards this year. Shop online if you feel like avoiding crowds. Buy the same thing for everyone on your list. If you can’t deal with any of it, share with your friends and family that you’re not up to gift-giving this year and ask that they honor this decision.



5. Take good care of yourself

Do what makes you happy. Treat yourself kindly this year (and every year!) Go for long walks, be in nature, pray, meditate, exercise, do yoga. Make time for yourself. Give yourself an awesome gift this year! You do you!


The holidays can be tough to get through. If you find yourself needing extra help and support during this time, please consider joining:

The Widow’s Holiday Survival Club 2020

What if you could get through this holiday season with a sense of peace in your heart and maybe even a smile on your face?

Come spend the holidays with me (and other widows) as we take this time of year to focus on what’s important for us.

Go to:

to register

What’s included in the Club:

1.            A 90 minute workshop

2.            Access to the private Facebook Community

3.            Coaching from Jen and each other!

4.            Spend 40 Days surrounded by other like-minded women who are here to support each other and uplift each other!

5.            Zoom Calls/ Meetups to check in on each other during the 40 days

The Widow’s Holiday Survival Club 2020 dates:

Sunday November 22, 2020 – January 1, 2021

 How much does it cost?


Registration ends Sunday November 22, 2020

When you become a part of such an incredible community, you’ll walk away with a peace in your heart and a better understanding of your grief. But most important, you’ll walk away with friendship and hope!


It’s THE BEST Christmas gift you can give yourself this year!

An investment in your heart.


Register here:

You’re not alone!

Let’s get through this together!


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